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Scenarzysta Wiedźmina o tym, jak stworz

Scenarzysta Wiedźmina o tym, jak stworzyć wciągającą grę - Just Geek IT

TAGI: l8r

Czasy wściekłych wyborców

Fani Donalda Trumpa, zwolennicy Brexitu czy sympatycy Marine Le Pen mają jedną cechę wspólną: wielu z nich to ci, którzy przegrali w procesie globalizacji.

TAGI: l8r

C# How to: Oil Painting and Cartoon Filt

Article Purpose This article illustrates and provides a discussion and implementation of Image Oil Painting Filters and related Image Cartoon Filters. Sunflower: Oil Painting, Filter 5, Levels 30, Cartoon Threshold 30 Sample Source Code This article is accompanied by a sample source code Visual Studio project which is available for download here. Using the Sample…

TAGI: l8r

The 5 best online bookmarking services

You probably browse the web from home, at work and possibly on your smartphone. If you do, storing bookmarks in the browser can be annoying and counterproduvtive. You need an online bookmarking tool to have easy access to all your favorite web sites regardless of which device you use to get online. Here are Pandia’s top 5 social bookmarking services.

TAGI: social bookmarking, l8r, top 5, diigo, delicious, simpy, furl, mister wong

Świat krótkiego metrażu cz. 8 –

Do kin wchodzi "Ghost in the Shell" ze Scarlett Johansson w roli głównej, czyli wysokobudżetowa adaptacja jednego z najważniejszych filmów cyberpunkowych. Z tej okazji przyglądamy się cyberpunkowym krótkometrażówkom, które zrobiły na nas największe wrażenie.

TAGI: l8r

Async HttpWebRequest with no wait

asp.net - Async HttpWebRequest with no wait from within a web application - Stack Overflow

TAGI: l8r

Convert to Cartoon

Convert Your Photo and Picture into Cartoon effect in one click, directly Online and for Free. Our service is 100% online, you needn\'t to install any software on your PC or Mac, our service is free, you need simply to upload your photo and press the button to convert it, it\'s very easy!

TAGI: l8r, convert to cartoon, convert photo to cartoon, convert picture to cartoon, cartoonize, cartoonize me, cartoon me, cartoonize me free

How Japan Became the Heavyweight of the

Photography and Camera News, Reviews, and Inspiration

TAGI: l8r

Filters image processing library

Image Processing and image analysis, open source library : A library implementing several image filters. This library allows you to filter a variety of images using the Adjust, Arithmetic Add, Arithmetic Constant

TAGI: l8r

10 Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job

10 Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job This Year Altucher Confidential

TAGI: l8r

Sztuka przekraczania / The Art of Breaki

[PL] Film 'sztuka przekraczania' dotyczy eksploracji zjawiska demosceny w Polsce, a także przybliżenia początków subkultury, która przetrwała pomimo ogromnyc...

TAGI: film, video, l8r, commodore, amiga, dokumentalny, sztuka, demoscena, c64, atari, demoparty, ghostown, elude, pixel art

Moma photography

TAGI: l8r, cursera, moma

Makes cartoons from photographs. Change

Makes cartoons from photographs. Change photo into cartoon

TAGI: l8r

Top 10 Most Beautiful Movies of All Time

Filmmaking is a complicated alchemy of light, sound, camera movement. And while a great look is always the goal, sometimes everything comes together to creat...

TAGI: l8r

C# How to: Image Colour Average | Softwa

Article purpose This article’s intension is focussed on providing a discussion on the tasks involved in implementing Image Colour Averaging. Pixel colour averages are calculated from neighbouring pixels. Sample source code This article is accompanied by a sample source code Visual Studio project which is available for download here. Using the Sample Application The sample…

TAGI: l8r

Gry i nie gry

Gry i nie-gry | Jawne Sny

TAGI: l8r

Klub SONY - Webinaria Foto


TAGI: l8r, klub sony, webinaria foto

Top 10 Movie Fight Scenes

Nothing pumps up the action in a movie more than two (or more) skilled fighters just going at it. Be it a raw combat or CGI-assisted set pieces, every punch ...

TAGI: l8r

introducing Pixia and Phierha

introducing Pixia and Phierha

TAGI: l8r

Na nic wezwania do tolerancji


TAGI: l8r

Best Free Snagit Alternatives

Here are your 5 Free Snagit Alternatives that are more likely the same as Snagit or even better than Snagit. Know these 5 free alternatives

TAGI: l8r

20 Insane Comic

Comic books and graphic novels combine two things every designer aspires to meld: real meaning and pure, unadulterated eye candy. Here we introduce 20 of the

TAGI: l8r, comic art


Zapraszamy na pokazy w ramach XI edycji MFFD HumanDOC. Wśród najlepszych i nagradzanych światowych dokumentów widzowie znajdą niezwykłą opowieść z wielu zakątków świata. Fantastyczne zdjęcia, czarujący bohaterowie i historie, których nie wymyśliliby najlepsi scenarzyści filmów dokumentalnych. Festiwal HumanDOC to skupiony w soczewce obraz świata – nie możesz tego przegapić.

TAGI: l8r, festiwal filmowy, humandoc

Prosta Ekonomia | YouTube

Naucz się ekonomii w przyjemny i przystępny sposób! Więcej info na prostaekonomia.pl Partnerzy: https://www.facebook.com/PRAWAStronaMedalu/

TAGI: l8r, ekonomia, prosta ekonomia


TAGI: l8r

The Problem with Action Movies Today

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ChrisStuckmann TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Chris_Stuckmann OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.chrisstuckmann.com Chris Stuckmann d...

TAGI: l8r, the problem with action movies today

ExposurePlot jpg exif lens length analyz

ExposurePlot (former Focal plot) is a free analyzer for the focal lenght of the lenzes you have used.

TAGI: l8r, digital camera, exposureplot, exposure plot, focalplot, focal plot, analize focal length, dgital lenzes, zoom lens


Free photo editing online to create beautiful and fun photos from your pictures. Apply Fun photo effects in one click!

TAGI: l8r, photo fun, photo effects, photo editing online, free online photo editing, photo editing programs

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