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Epoch Converter

Easy epoch/Unix timestamp converter for computer programmers. Includes epoch explanation and conversion syntax in various programming languages.

TAGI: epoch, unix, timestamp, time, posix, converter, calculator, narzędzia, time converter, web tools

Reverse DNS Lookup

Look up an IP address to find the domain name and country for the IP address. Then get the "whois" database information for the domain.

TAGI: web tools, net tools, dns lookup


Tools for measuring the speed of the internet. Measure your surfing speed with YourSpeed, and measure your website\'s speed with SiteSpeed.

TAGI: web tools, internet speed, bandwidth, connection, internet, net test


Test your Internet connection bandwidth to locations around the world with this interactive broadband speed test

TAGI: web tools, net test, internet connection

Netia Tester

Netia - test prędkości interentu

TAGI: web tools, net test, speed test

Speed Test

Zrób Speed Test - test łącza i poznaj swoją szybkość internetu. Dzięki testowi szybkości łącza dowiesz się, z jaką prędkością możesz pobierać i wysyłać dane z

TAGI: web tools, net test, szybkość internetu, test łącza


Current Time Worldwide (World Clock) and Calendars for countries worldwide both online and for printing. Find the best time for web meetings (meeting planner) or use the Time and Date Converters. Online services and Apps available for iPhone, iPad, and Android.

TAGI: time, web tools, world clock, current time, perpetual calendar, date, daylight saving time, clock, time zone, calendar, counters, time conversion


Hidentity : anti-spam solution

TAGI: web tools, hidentity, anti-spam solution, spam, contacts, captcha, community

Top 100 Tools for Learning

Top 100 Tools for Learning

TAGI: web tools, social bookmarks

The World Clock – Time Zones

Current local time in cities and countries worldwide, in all time zones with DST accounted for. Links to each city with extensive info on time, weather forecast, Daylight Saving Time changes, sunrise, sunset and moon times and phases.

TAGI: time, web tools, world clock, daylight saving time, time zone, time zones, world time, dst, dls

Country Codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Code

Find more information about country codes, phone codes, and ISO country codes. We\\\'ve got the phone codes you need for easy international calling!

TAGI: web tools, country codes, phone codes, dialing codes, telephone codes, iso country codes

Google Analytics

Google Analytics Official Website - Web Analytics & Reporting – Google Analytics

TAGI: google, web tools

Color Wizard

The color wizard is a web-based application that automatically generates matching color schemes to any color enter.

TAGI: web tools, color wizard, color scheme, color combination, combining colors

Ascii Table

Ascii character table - ascii ascii ascii ascii and ascii...conversions

TAGI: web tools, ascii table, dev tools, dev basics

.NET Colors

Colors in ASP.NET

TAGI: web tools, dev tools, .net, web colors

Base 64 Encoder

Base 64 Encoder

TAGI: web tools, dev tools, base 64

Base 64 Decoder

Base 64 Decoder

TAGI: web tools, dev tools, base 64

Crazy IP

Crazy IP

TAGI: web tools

HTML Encoder

HTML Encoder

TAGI: web tools

HTML Decoder

HTML Decoder

TAGI: web tools

ESET Online Scanner

Antywirus ESET NOD32 - szybki i skuteczny program antywirusowy w polskiej wersji językowej zwalczający backdoory, trojany, robaki internetowe i inne wirusy. Skuteczność potwierdzona ponad 20 nagrodami VB100%, świetna heurystyka, polska pomoc techniczna.

TAGI: web tools, online tools, virus, internet security, wirus komputerowy, antywirus, antyvir, eset, nod32, ochrona plików, antyspyware, antyspam, online scaner

Free cron jobs on demand

Do you need to run cron jobs and your host does not offer this service? Register with us and you can run all the cronjobs you want!

TAGI: web tools, cronjob, cron, crontab, cronjobs


Automatyczne wstawianie przecinków i kropek zdognie z zasadami interpunkcji

TAGI: web tools, ecyklopedia, encyklopedie, interpunkcja, przecinki, zasady interpunkcji, zasady pisowni

Bootswatch: Free themes for Twitter Boot

Free themes for Twitter Bootstrap.

TAGI: web tools, web dev, bootstrap themes

Strong Password Generator

Strong Password Generator

TAGI: web tools, security, password generator, admin tools

Security Guide for Windows

The PC Tools Password Generator creates random passwords that are highly secure and extremely difficult to crack due to an optional combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and punctuation symbols. Free to use.

TAGI: web tools, security, password generator, pc tools, pctools


PDF2WORD - Convert PDF to WORD online

TAGI: web tools, pdf2word, online pdf converter, pdf unlock tool, pdf merge, doc2pdf, word2pdf, xls2pdf, pps2pdf, ppt2pdf


Find more information about country codes, phone codes, and ISO country codes. We\'ve got the phone codes you need for easy international calling!

TAGI: web tools, country codes, phone codes, dialing codes, telephone codes, iso country codes

Image To Data URI Convertor

An online tool which converts images into base 64 for use in a data URI scheme.

TAGI: web tools, online tools, data uri, data uri conversion, image to data uri conversion, image to data uri converter, image to data uri convertor

Devools | Web Developer Tools

Devools | Developer Tools for a speedy build

TAGI: web tools, dev tools

Graffiti Creator

Write your name in graffiti

TAGI: web tools, street art, grafiti, graffiti, grafitti, graffiti art, spray art, custommade graffiti, graffiti generator, custom graffiti, graffiti text, generate graffiti

Online Current Time

Current time whenever you are

TAGI: web tools, date, clock

Online Stopwatch

TAGI: web tools, online tools, stoper, stopwatch

WAVE Web Accessibility Tool

WAVE Web Accessibility Tool

TAGI: web tools, web design, accessability

Website Downloader | Website Copier

Simple cloud-based Website Downloader with nothing to install or configure - Download the complete source code of any website (including all assets).

TAGI: web tools, website downloader

Internet Navigation for the Visually Imp

The internet is your connection to the outside world, even when your vision is impaired. Make the most of your experience with apps, tools, and techniques designed for people with low vision.

TAGI: web tools, web design, accessability

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